Under Wharf Mapping

Innovative Under-Wharf Sea Floor Mapping Technology

Farren Land Surveys offers advanced marine surveying technologies. We're proud to introduce our unique device designed specifically for under-wharf sea floor mapping. This cutting-edge solution allows for the precise mapping of the sea floor underneath a wharf, providing invaluable data for marine infrastructure assessments and development projects.

Here's how our innovative under-wharf mapping technology works and the value it offers:

  • Transducer Raft Technology: Our under-wharf mapping technique leverages a specially designed Transducer raft to acquire data from beneath the wharf. This state-of-the-art tool allows us to access and record data from areas traditionally difficult to survey.

  • Calibrated Pole Positioning: Data accuracy is paramount in our surveys. The Transducer raft is positioned using a calibrated pole from a known position on the wharf, ensuring precise positioning and reliable data collection.

  • Versatility of Application: This unique method of mapping can be adapted to produce detailed depth maps beneath various types of marine structures. It can be used not only for wharfs but also for jetties, piers, marinas, and other similar structures.

By utilising our innovative under-wharf sea floor mapping technology, you can gain insights into:

  • Structural Assessment: Understand the underlying seabed for structural integrity assessments and refurbishment plans.

  • Infrastructure Development: Inform the design and positioning of new marine structures with detailed sea floor profiles.

  • Environmental Impact Studies: Evaluate potential environmental impacts associated with marine construction or dredging activities.

At Farren Land Surveys, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of surveying technology, providing our clients with the most accurate data and efficient methods. Our under-wharf sea floor mapping technology exemplifies our dedication to innovation, helping you gain a deeper understanding of the marine environment for safer, more informed decision-making.

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