Seismic Surveys

Advanced Seismic Surveying Services

We are trusted partners in advanced marine surveying techniques. Our seismic surveying service, often referred to as sub-bottom profiling, offers an in-depth look at the geological structure beneath the seafloor. This cutting-edge technique allows for accurate measurement of distances between layers or features below the seafloor, providing a valuable tool for a variety of marine applications.

Here's a snapshot of what our seismic surveying service entails:

  • In-Depth Visualisation: Seismic surveying enables detailed visualisation of the geological structure beneath the seafloor. This deep insight is instrumental in various fields, from infrastructure development to scientific research.
  • Precise Measurements: Our seismic surveying technique shows you what's beneath the seafloor and accurately measures the distances between different layers or features. This accurate data supports informed decision-making and planning.

  • Specialised Equipment: To conduct seismic surveying, specific equipment is required. These sub-bottom profiling systems typically need a vessel more than 6 m in length, some cover from weather, and a 3 – 8 kVA generator. Our RedMap II system is perfectly equipped for such tasks.

The applications of our seismic surveying service are wide-ranging and include the following:

  • Marine Infrastructure Planning: Utilise seismic surveying data to plan for constructing offshore infrastructure such as wind farms, pipelines, and platforms.

  • Environmental Impact Assessment: Evaluate the potential impacts of proposed marine activities on the seafloor's geological structure.

  • Academic Research: Use seismic data to study marine geology and the history of sea level changes.

We are committed to providing advanced and accurate seismic surveying services at Farren Land Surveys. Whether you're planning a marine infrastructure project, conducting academic research, or assessing environmental impact, we're here to deliver the high-quality seismic data you need.

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